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Network Partners

Network Partner Introduction

Network partners are independent architects, interior designers, designers, design and Feng Shui consultant, as well as retailers and other source of contacts for Vital Office services and Vital Office products. Network partners make their profile entries, and other project posts themselves. Vital Office provides this platform, so that the diversity of the Vital Office concept in cooperation with various professions is published.

Read 47128 times
(2 votes)
Written by 22 August 2017 - 12:05:59

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Sign in or sign up. Many features are available only for registered visitors. For example, comments and downloads. Registered visitors will also receive as author (partner), better prices and discounts, which are deposited in the articles for the respective groups.

When you first log in you automatically are assigned to group: registered. In this group, you can access more downloads (brochures and price lists) and can leave comments on all articles.

Once you are logged in the menus and content expand. You can create new articles for example, edit my page settings, comment to articles, moderate comments, and much more.

To create your own content you must have Author rights. Please send us an email with your user name. We will then promptly unlock you. Please keep in mind that this portal represents the topic of vital Office. Please only publish articles who are in relation to this topic.



The following symbols show a quick overview of the qualification of the network partners

 button vital-office-bueromoebel-ausstellung show room:

Consultant with Vital Office products in their show room and their own office are highlighted with above pictogram.

button vital-office-beraterkompetenz-qualifikation  CONSULTANT EXPERTISE:

Also the consulting competence is highlighted as well. The consulting competence depends on the visited vital Office seminars and jointly executed projects.

information  INFORMATION:

This symbol shows, that additional downloads are available

vital-office-urkunde70px The Vital-Office certificate

is the seal of quality for basic competence in ergonomic office space planning according the Vital Office principles for a more creative design. Contacts who have participated in the seminars are highlighted in addition to the address with the pictogram of the certificate.



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