The Vital-Office Concept

Sabine Freutsmiedl (DGFP, Metabalance Institut): Spatial concepts and colour designs indisputably have an effect on people.

From the moment we are born we are sensory beings and this is how we experience our world. Working rooms, such as offices, are therefore consequently living spaces for people, that decisively influence our wellbeing, our health, yes even corporate success. 

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Written by 13 May 2017 - 03:53:38

It becomes clear to us from looking at natural forms and systems and their reciprocal effect on the human organism that peace, centeredness, alert clarity and thus creative efficiency emerge. We can be confronted with this in nature, as well as in a consciously designed office spaces.

From a biological viewpoint we are close to all that is natural. Natural aspects promote our internal, lively processes so that we feel well-balanced and harmonious. We can perceive and feel this analogy to nature every day anew. Merely the question is necessary „Where to I feel particularly good and well-balanced so that creativity and efficiency are able to develop“.

Our modern, technically structured world is very frequently void of this analogy to nature in our life and working worlds. We have had to adapt ourselves to this and have got used to bad design and conventional, loveless arrangements of living and office working areas. However our senses perceive that ordinary common environment as unnatural artificial objects, which lack the organic formal references. Consequently, our basic needs are neglected as well. And our organism reacts all too frequently with stress.

This also has an effect on the way our brains work. A tunnel vision is often the result if we are stressed by the many negative factors. We are then primarily active with the left side of our brain, which works significantly slower and moreover look for solutions based on old experiences, patterns and mental set-ups. The innovative, creative quantum leap does not occur here.

However, if we perceive nature and are active outdoors, both halves of our brains are synchronizing so that the right, much faster side is also participating, which can provide us with creative, unconventional inspirations and rightly gives us the conviction that „solutions are lurking  everywhere“.

This is how we are able to enjoy letting go and an active rhythm that feels good and provides us access to our full creativity and personal strength.

A similar thing happens when we design our personal and office working environments with organic shapes. The overall effect is that they are perceived as an organism, which surrounds us like a shield and consequently grows into a vibrant spatial experience.

The basis of all considerations and space planning should be people with all their basic needs. This is how we can get away from enforced form which we need to adapt to towards a sensory form which supports us. The foundations have been laid to aid people where they are with their needs – in harmony with nature.

Happy office workers are those whose employers have an open mind concerning office concepts according to holistic criteria. However, it requires a great deal of good will and acknowledgement by the decision makers in order for it to be carried out consistently up to the very last workplace. Up to now budget cuts upon employees are more opportune, which has a high degree of disadvantageous effects on the entire office environment in the long term.

Why it could pay off to deal with this topic will be explained to you by the one who undoubtedly has the most experience in this field. With his valuable experience Peter Jordan from Vital Office® will take us to the heart of vital office design.

Sabine Freutsmiedl

Metabalance Institut, Institut for holistic health management and prevention,

She worked long term in leading management positions, as manager, coach & project manager in financial business. She is responsible for Change-Management processes and training concepts for DGFP (German association for human resources management), Inhouse training and Coaching as well as team training.



A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes

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比之罗列一个“待办事项“,我们更观注表象下面的根本及其之间的关系,这样才能在全面而具体地规划办公室时,找到潜在问题。本着 “提高生活质量,创健康办公环境” 的 公司理念,无论是对室内建筑师和设计师提出的创意; 还是对这些创意带给个人及团队有何健康上或工作效率上的任何影响,“活力-办公室”都可预先作出评估。

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