Displaying items by tag: bamboo furniture

A remarkable acoustic optimized school project. Through professional consultation by Delhom acoustique the classrooms and corridors have large sound absorbing surfaces. Besides the ceiling, at least 1 wall was made with vitAcoustic wall absorbers.

Nicely integrated in the overall bamboo design by gmp · International GmbH (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner).

The target was, that the kids can calm down and concentrate better in a quite and sound optimized acoustic environment. Whoever will visit this school will hear the difference and will want to sit down for a while and relax.

This project has been a challenge for our teams, because of the very very short delivery time for 3 floors, 30x classrooms with corridor and classroom inbuilt furniture, receptions desks, library, kitchen furniture, water dispenser, acoustic flower pots in PAC and much more.

Published in Top10 Projects

5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.

Published in Top10 Projects

Unterschiedliche Planungslösungen für Essilor in Freiburg sind in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer FengShui Beraterin und Partnerin Frau Silke Sumana Körbs entstanden. Standard“ und „Vertikal Space Plus“ sind gelungene Bespiele dafür, dass sich Gegensätze anziehen können. Schlichte rechteckige Sideboards unterstreichen die Wirkung der ergonomischen Vital-Office Tische und umgekehrt. Bei Vertikal Space Plus ersetzen zudem Caddys auf Rollen konventionelle Standard Rollcontainer der Mitarbeiter am Arbeitsplatz. Die Caddys sind wahre Organisationstalente, bestehend aus einem Basismodul, das nach Bedarf des Mitarbeiters unterschiedlich mit Schüben und Leerfächern ausgestattet werden kann. Pflanztröge schaffen ein zusätzlich positives Raumklima.

Published in Top10 Projects

wo fühlen sich die meisten Menschen am wohlsten? In der Natur.

Die beruhigenden Farben, Materialien und runden Formen lassen Körper und Seele entspannen. Runde Kiesel schmeicheln unserer Hand und runde Formen wirken beruhigend auf unsere Sinne. Ecken und Kanten werden intuitiv umgangen. Folgen wir doch einfach dem Beispiel der Natur, in der Gestaltung eines Lebensraumes, in dem wir oft länger als ein Drittel unserer Zeit verbringen. (Jörg Abels)

Die VR Bank Schlüchtern-Birstein eG ist diesem Beispiel gefolgt und hat Ihre Büro mit ökologischen Massivholz Bambus-Schreibtischplatten und höhenverstellbaren Schreibtisch-Gestellen ausgestattet.

 Kunde: VR Bank Schlüchtern-Birstein eG
 Industrie: Finanzen, Banken
 Gebäude: Büro
 Arbeitsplätze: <20
 Typ: Sachbearbeiter Büros
 Vision: Ergonomie und Wohlfühlen



Published in Top10 Projects
Saturday, 21 March 2015 14:41

Bambus Green Office als wertige Ergänzung

Eine wertige Ergänzung zur bereits bestehenden vielseitigen Produkt- und Materialpalette ist das Bambus Green Office. 

In Bezug auf nachhaltige Holzwirtschaft und Wohlfühlbüros finden wir Bambus überaus attraktiv. Bambus ist geradezu ein Musterbeispiel für Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltverträglichkeit, so hart wie deutsche Eiche und ästhetisch ansprechend. Als vor einigen Jahren Dipl.-Ing., Architekt Thomas Meyer, (Architekt und Feng Shui Berater www.thomas-meyer.de) Bambus in seinen Projekten einsetzten wollte, waren wir überrascht, mit welchem Engagement er dieses Material und dessen herausragenden FengShui Eigenschaften gepriesen hat. So analysierten wir das Material, wie wir das mit allen Feng Shui Empfehlungen tun, nach wissenschaftlich fundierten Fakten, mit dem Ergebnis, dass wir Bambus in unser Sortiment aufgenommen und in vielen großen und kleinen Projekten eingesetzt haben. Das Erreichen der Zielsetzung: "engagierten Mitarbeiter nachhaltig sichtbar mehr Wertschätzung entgegen zu bringen", wurde uns vielfach als erfolgreich bestätigt.

Kärcher is a leading cleaning global brand. It provides the top-class cleaning facilities and cleaning solutions for business, public industries and home. It is the largest production center in Asian-Pacific market of Kaercher. (www.kaercher.cn) Vital-Office provides a system office planning and equipment for Kaercher Changshu factory in a healthy and modern style.

Published in Top10 Projects

Artundweise, an agency for web design and application development, needed to relocate in a more modern office building and Vital-Office was hired to plan their new creative work environment.
Rather than planning a standard open space office, Vital-Office analyzed fundamental ergonomic principles and their correlations to health, vitality and motivation.

Leading to a holistic ergonomic concept which included:

  • architectural design and room partitioning,
  • healthy light installation,
  • sound absorbing acoustic panels and
  • height adjustable desk with ecological and healthy tops out of bamboo hard wood.

Question: How do the coworkers accept the new office concept?
"Dear Mr. Jordan,
I have the impression, very very well. It is a well-being office. Not only the coworkers - all who have to do something with (land-lord, construction team, phone company, and much more) are emphasized, astonished and inspired.
The whole office is exceptional and outrages between the other offices. It is therefore taken as reference by the land-lord (Grosse) for other lofts which are still open to rent.
Best regards" Gerlinde Jones, artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-Schmidt-Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen

 Customer: artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-Schmidt-Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen
 Link: http://www.artundweise.de
 Industry: Medien, IT
 Building: Büro
 Workplaces: >50
 Type: programming and standard office work
 Vision: Feng-Shui, Ergonomics, attractiveness, appreciation and feel-good environment
 Planning and Design: Vital-Office

Published in Top10 Projects
Tuesday, 25 November 2014 01:00

Jungheinrich Qingpu - Ergonomic Green Bamboo Office

Jungheinrich Qingpu, a 38.000 m2 campus with more than 100 workplaces using Vital-Office furniture, height adjustable desks, new ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair, cabinets, conference tables, reception, cantine and hotel guest room

Published in Top10 Projects
Sunday, 31 August 2014 02:00

Vital-Office® Bamboo Office

In the Vital-Office Concept (published as book) the objectives and influence factors of human stress-free and healthy Office design is defined. Among other things it is assumed that the value of our environment affects the quality of our work. The psychological factors involved are complex. ... The desk is a tool that allows you to work with ease and same time is influencing your long term health. It is the heart piece of office furniture.

The quality of our environment determines the quality of our work. This is well known today. So radically efficient, such as a clean city reduce the crime rate (see David Coleman "Social Intelligence" example of New York), so easily a quality furniture improves the mindfulness at work. The psychological factors are complex. But it is possible to observe yourself and get a feel for how an environment or furnishing affects you. Usually you will learn very spontaneously, what kind of work quality and productivity in this office can be achieved and which are not.  The desk is a tool that allows you to work with ease and same time is influencing your long term health. It is the heart piece of office furniture.

  1. The advantage of a desktop in bamboo solid wood is in the sustainability and quality, combined with an affordable price.
  2. The advantage for the entrepreneur is improved quality of work, mindfulness, and attractiveness.
  3. The advantage for the employee is appreciation and "feel good".
Published in Bamboo Office
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Sunday, 31 August 2014 02:00

Bamboo – Architecture

A furnishing concept with bamboo office furniture, together with the given architecture, would like to create a delightful, pleasant and high-quality working atmosphere. In this bamboo environment, different professions will find their place. And as diverse as the work of a lawyer, architect, project manager or chief medical officer may be, all of you will value a pleasant work environment that is modern, contemporary and flexible enough to adapt to today's professional needs. 

You are right to be proud of yourself and your daily performance, to show appreciation to yourself and to let your clients share in it. 

Bamboo has already approached into all kind of rooms:

  • As a popular parquet floor - particularly hard, abrasion-resistant and timelessly elegant
  • as a piece of furniture, or
  • as a solitary sculpture.
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Eurocampus Lycee Francais - acoustic optimized school

A remarkable acoustic optimized school project. Through professional consultation by Delhom acoustique the classrooms and corridors have large sound absorbing surfaces. Besides the ceiling, at least 1 wall was made with vitAcoustic wall absorbers.

Nicely integrated in the overall bamboo design by gmp · International GmbH (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner).

The target was, that the kids can calm down and concentrate better in a quite and sound optimized acoustic environment. Whoever will visit this school will hear the difference and will want to sit down for a while and relax.

This project has been a challenge for our teams, because of the very very short delivery time for 3 floors, 30x classrooms with corridor and classroom inbuilt furniture, receptions desks, library, kitchen furniture, water dispenser, acoustic flower pots in PAC and much more.

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circon executive s-class - Conference table system for the executive suite.

Each conference room is a representation of distinctive style and vision utilizing systems from the Circon Executive Product Line. Size, form and material/composition are developed according to individual customer needs and demands.

Various table styles are possible. Elliptical, Oval and Boat-form with elliptical feet sections can be realized in chrome, aluriffel or painted. All table sizes are feasible. The Oval-Office Project in Hamburg is a successful example where an oval 11,6 m- long table veneered in Swiss pear tree was designed to accomodate 38 persons in their executive suite conference room.

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vitAcoustic flexible sheets (for craftsmen) - Premium PET

Flexicoustic flexible acoustic panels for curved individual applications 

For craftsmen we offer sheets with V-cut. These sheets are flexible and can be used for curved applications, like round reception desk, column covers, tambour doors and much more. The sheets are customized according your requirements on design and curve radius.

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PET Akustikplatten mit CNC Konfektion für den Schreiner und Innenausbauer

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.

Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.

  • PET Akustikplatten 1220x2440x9mm - 1.9kg/m² - feine Oberfläche - höchst schallabsorbierend
  • vielseitig, modern und leicht zu verarbeiten
  • in 19 wohlsortierten Farben für Anwendungsbereiche vom Büro bis zum Kindergarten
  • ab Lager kurzfristig abrufbar
  • optional mit CNC Zuschnitt (rund oder eckig) und Konfektion mit CNC Messerschneidemaschine
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut Mauerwerksstrukturen für ansprechende Wandverkleidungen
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut für flexible biegbare Platten
  • B1 / E0 / Oekotex100 / umweltfreundlich (recyceltes PET)


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Büroeinrichtung - Eleganz, Ergonomie und Akustik

Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.

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VitAcoustic® Fliesen für Wandverkleidungen - praktisch einfache und dekorativ vielfältige Schall- und Wärmedämmung

Ein vielseitiges Produkt in handlichem Format für viele Anwendungen in Privat- und Gewerberäumen.

Das handliche Format von 1200x600mm macht es einfach, damit z.B. Wände zu tapezieren, oder eine Verkleidung auf Lattung oder auf anderen nicht dekorativen Dämmplatten zu montieren. Jede Fliesenplatte ist rundum mit einer Fase versehen. so dass kleinere Unebenheiten und Toleranzen beim Ansetzten von Platten aufgefangen werden und damit nicht sichtbar sind.

Ein Wechsel von horizontal und vertikal verlegten Fliesenplatten ergibt schon ein erstes interessantes Muster. Weitere interessante nahtlos und endlos Texturen ergänzen die Designvariation, die zusätzlich zu den 19 verschiedenen kombinierbaren Farben eine Vielzahl an individuellen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten ermöglicht.

Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass wir Ihnen schnell und kostengünstig Ihre Fliesenplatten per Paketdienst zusenden können. Für Fachhandelspartner mit Ausstellung bedeutet dies auch einfache und praktische kleine Vorratslagerung am POS.

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vitAcoustic Acoustic pictures with real hay & moss - Acoustic cassette with bamboo frame and exchangeable highly sound absorbing PET acoustic panels

Fragrant real hay, hay flowers and mosses applied directly to vitAcoustic absorber plates. Another versatile way of experiencing real natural products with all senses (seeing, touching, smelling). The special patented preservation and coating method opens up completely new design options. And the vitAcoustic natural-coated absorber plates can be used in all vitAcoustic applications, such as 3d frames, acoustic roller shutter cabinets, panel curtains for room division and flexible partitions and partitions. Made to measure: natural elements transparent or semi-transparent on colored vitAcoustic absorber plates. Design your individual acoustic nature picture with the 19 vitAcoustic colors and real hay, hay flowers and moss. You can choose between opaque and transparent. For projects, we also offer individual adjustments, eg semi-transparent. Very individual ideas can be implemented by coating the panels with various genuine natural materials such as hay, hay flowers and moss.

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Kohlbecker architects - Workplace for people

The first Kohlbecker building was called „The Human Factory“. Because Karl Kohlbecker wanted to ensure that a good quality of life does not end at the factory gates. That‘s a kind thought. And an entrepreneurial one: because when people feel comfortable, everything runs better. Quality increases, processes become faster, the work succeeds.

Workplace for people:

No compromises have been made in the equipment of each individual desk workstation. All components are individually adaptable to humans. Due to the special geometry of the desk, very advantageous workplace groupings result. The offset of the tables to each other is very pleasant. Direct counterparts are avoided. Instead, harmoniously spacious rooms are created between the desks.

A commitment to resource-saving sustainability:

  1. Fast growing bamboo. Hard as solid oak. Now bamboo tops are the new green desktops for Kohlbecker employees.
  2. All the decorative acoustic partitions are made of PET felt, which is made from recycled PET bottles.
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Jungheinrich HQ+SO - Ergonomic Green Bamboo Office...

5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.

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VitAcoustic® cassettes - superleicht, sehr hohe Sc...

Fast alles ist möglich mit unseren VitAcoustic® cassettes. Geringes Gewicht, 1,9kg/m², Brandschutz B1 und leichte Montage zeichnen unser Material aus. Durch Excenterbefestigung ist eine Millimetergenaue Ausrichtung gewährleistet.

Testimonial: Das ist wirklich sehr gelungen, und der Kunde ist voll zufrieden. Sieht gut aus, Besten Dank für die tolle Arbeit. Die Montage verlief einfach, alles wurde in ca. 4 Std. montiert, inkl. den grossen Wandabsorber.

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Room acoustics solution for the ballroom of the yo...

An echo makes the use of the festival hall of the youth welfare Waldhaus / Waldhausschule in Malsch almost impossible. The echo, or the sound reflections were so high that one could understand nothing more.

How should one get together and make music here? It was impossible!

But there is some help coming: the EnBW #MacherBus not only financially supports Waldhaus Jugendhilfe with the acquisition of new sound-absorbing elements, but the EnBW makers also undertake the attachment of the elements. With the new room acoustics measure the children of the Waldhausschule can use the hall again in peace and quiet.

Vital-Office also supported this project, supplied the vitAcoustic Frames for optimum sound absorption and led the assembly.


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Acoustic calculator According to DIN 18041-online ...

In order for a room acoustic measure to be calculated and assessed realistically, well-founded acoustic physical basic knowledge and practical experience is appropriate. In particular, the initial values of reality must be determined accordingly. For sensitive areas, the measurement should be carried out professionally by an acoustic expert. Alternatively, at least a provisional measurement should be performed with a phone app repeatedly. The provisional measurement serves only as a guideline for the selection of the room materials and their absorption coefficients in the acoustic calculator. Basically, any calculation without professional measurements of the initial situation is hypothetical!


Low frequencies are absorbed differently than high frequencies. Glass surfaces (Windows) or a normal office cabinet made of chipboard in different thicknesses, when you hit the resonance of the deep tones, can act for the low frequencies absorbing. However, a correct calculation is hardly possible due to the lack of measured data of the objects. On the basis of a measurement, special depth absorbers (vibrating resonators) need to be specifically set.

The calculations are based on measured data from objects and materials. Some of these are listed in the DIN 18041 exemplary. Others are taken from various sources for their correctness and conformity with the actual existing object or material there is no guarantee.

  • Area is important-small elements, for example, are simply overlooked by lower frequencies due to the long wavelength. Even with a-class absorbers, an adequately large absorbing surface is required in relation to the size of the room. In communication rooms, absorbers on the ceiling are sparingly and consciously dealt with. Here is more of a reflection desired!


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vitAcoustic Sound absorbing tambour door cabinets...

Highly sorbent, flexible vitAcoustic sound absorbers as blinds for roller shutter cabinets cost-effectively transform barriers into highly effective broadband absorbers. Following the principle of microperforation, the textile vitAcoustic panels combined with a cavity (cabinet interior) develop a nearly linear broadband absorption, especially in language-relevant areas. The vitAcoustic roller shutters, which are available in up to 50 colors, are generally cheaper than comparable PVC shutters.

Your advantage:

  1. pleasantly quiet room atmosphere with good speech intelligibility.
  2. cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to PVC shutters with or without acoustic function
  3. great color choice for more creative freedom
  4. The material is E0, B1 and recyclable (PET)


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VitAcoustic Data Sheet and work samples...

vitAcoustic PET Acoustic Material Data Sheet / Technical Data:

  • vitAcoustic PET sheets
  • Textile panels similar to felt, but made of synthetic fibers
  • Highly absorbent (details in the application are to be considered! See test curves)
  • B1 fire class
  • Without ingredients, without glues, without dyes .. Zero VOC .. good for allergy sufferers
  • Colors: 19-50 bearing colors
  • Composition: 100% PET (Polyethylenterephthalat / Polyester)
  • Dimensionally stable plate


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vitAcoustic Sound, Light and Colors at Orgatec 202...

Sound, light and color - an exciting combination. Acoustics are combined with light. Light is built into sound absorbing material. An infinite number of beautiful products in many colors and shapes appear in the light. Form, function, design and joie de vivre - everything is shown in one.

An absolutely exciting new world for designers, architects and users. We have compiled the result of the new modular product ideas for the international trade fair Orgatec 2022 in Cologne here:

Our manufacturing facility is well equipped and competent to realize your ideas. Simply phone or email us at +49 7248 93566-90 / [email protected]

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German furniture manufacturing

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]



International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]


Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]


 Wechat ID: Vital-Office


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